徐智先生毕业于中央音乐学院小提琴专业, 之后在中央歌剧院交响乐团工作, 徐智先生现居蒙特利尔,从事小提琴教学工作,多年来,徐智老师培养了大批优秀学生,有众多学生在蒙特利尔省,市,及全国各种提琴比赛中获奖。除教学活动以外,徐智老师还热情支持蒙特利尔的华人社区各种公益活动,经常带领孩子参加各种演出。教学之余,徐智老师还担当音乐比赛评委,晚会主持,总监,艺术指导等。

Mr. Zhi Xu was graduated from Central Conservatory of Music in China, which is the best music institute in China. He played in the Central Opera House of China – the best opera troupes in the Asia-Pacific area. Mr. Zhi Xu is now living in Montreal and has been engaged in violin teaching.  He has trained many outstanding violin talents, who won awards in municipal, provincial and Canadian national music competitions. Except for violin education, Mr. Zhi Xu also gave enthusiastic support to musical and cultural activities in Montreal Chinese community. He has been invited as a music judge and an artistic director, etc. in many local activities.

小提琴徐智老师和他的学生们在Place D’ Art 的Maisonneuve 剧院演奏小提琴大合奏(2015)


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